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Sunday, 2 January 2011

Double Freedom Run

After missing the last two Coventry parkrun events I just couldn't resist running two freedom parkruns back-to-back today.

I didn't really set myself any targets today other than trying to maintain a fairly consistent pace without going too slowly.

I set off at a reasonable pace and found myself zig-zagging through a minefield of debutant child cyclists and others with scooters and roller-skates. Have roller-skates made another comeback? They were very clearly all the new Christmas gifts having their first outing to the park. I managed a first lap of 10:30 and backed that up with a second lap of 10:45 to complete my first freedom run of 2011 in 21:15.

My main aim for my second freedom run of the day (and year) was to get close to that first time. I jogged back to the start line, enjoying my 20 second break between freedom runs.

For the first lap of my second run I set off a bit more slowly than I had been running, recording 11:07 in the process. I found enough energy from somewhere to do a 10:21 for the second lap (my 4th in all), to set another respectable freedom time of 21:28. Annoyingly slower than the first freedom run of the day, but good enough for my first run back after the gluttony of the last 10 days or so.

I may even consider another double freedom run again tomorrow.

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